Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek at what I will be using this summer!  I now have two 8x10 cameras, one for the studio and the other for the road.

I picked up this #10A Century Studio camera on, of all places, Etsy.  A few loose bits here and there but everything seems to be in good working order.  I have to light test the bellows... visually they look good.  The lens is not original to the camera but I now have a nice clean lens to work with.

Now to make a camera stand...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Surroundings - Part 1

A few things that make me happy... photography, gardening, and being outside.   

Friday, April 12, 2013

Open Studio - Equinox ArtWalk

It's ArtWalk time here in Seattle! 

My studio door will be open to the public on Saturday, April 13th, from 6:00pm-9:00pm during the Equinox ArtWalk/Georgetown Art Attack.  I will be showing my B&W darkroom prints, Lith prints, Cyanotypes, and a small sample of my tintypes.  If you missed the show at the Elisbeth C. Miller Botanical Library then this is your opportunity to check out my new work. 

There's plenty of parking and we do have a shuttle that will whisk you away to other locations throughout the Georgetown area.

Equinox Studios
6555 5th Ave South, Studio 202
Seattle, WA 98108

Sunday, April 7, 2013