Monday, February 18, 2013

On the couch with Sarah Kathryn Olds

I had an idea for a fun and informal portrait series that would be shot in an interview style.  I found the perfect red couch to fit my perfect little studio and made a list of people that would be the perfect test subjects for this project.

The first test goes to the fabulous dancer/choreographer, Sarah Kathryn Olds.  I met Sarah in 2011 when she hired me to photograph her and the dancers of Serendip.  Since then, we have worked on several other promo projects including one very cold photo shoot in the waters of the Puget Sound!

Moments after Sarah arrived at my studio we picked out costumes and discussed ideas that I had for the photo shoot.  The only direction I gave Sarah was that I wanted the process to be fun and be free to show your personality.  Seconds later she was all over that couch!  We were laughing so hard my head was hurting.  The next day a couple of the other artists in the building asked if I had a fun time with my photo shoot.  Apparently my walls are too thin to hold back all the laughter that was going on.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Seattle Fog - Part 3

I woke up this morning to a lovely foggy morning but didn't have the motivation to go out. Then I thought it would be a great time to post my last image from the five days of fog from a few weeks back.

The last day was more of a location test for a future project. It was a bit cold... hands and feet were numb.  At one time we had to jump into the car to get warm. My camera was skipping frames and the fog began to dissipate.  Here's what came from that.

Camera: Mamiya C220
Film: Expired Fuji Velvia 100F
Model: Lisa


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Seattle Fog - Part 2

As per usual my busy life takes over and my personal work moves to the back burner.  I have a little extra time to share my daytime adventures in the fog.

I love, love, love photographing trees. I spent much of my childhood climbing and playing around them.  I think they are the most amazing "creatures" on this planet.  Here's what I saw during the five days of fog.